Here's the Bernard Herrmann (with additional music by Laurie Johnson) score for the 1978 horror sequel "It Lives Again." It also functions as a soundtrack to its predcessor "It;s Alive," as all of Herrmann's contribution is the music from the first (the sequel was made two years after his death). Frank Davis (John P. Ryan), the father of the mutant babyfrom the first film, has joined an underground movement to try and save the mutant killer babies from a government operation to exterminate them on sight. He warns Eugene and Jody Scott (Frederic Forrest and Kathleen Lloyd) that they will have one of the creatures, but they don;t believe his theory or the fact that the police will be there to make sure her baby won't surivive. When all of this comes true, Frank comes to the rescue by getting her out of the hospotal and into a mobile operating room (located in the back of a truck). Her baby is taken to a makeshift nursery in what used to be a school, and placed with two other mutant babies in an effort to study them and learn from them, as they may be the next stage of human evolution. However, all hell breaks loose when the police locate the nursery, and when the babies escape...
It's a Bernard Herrmann score. Need I say more? Get it now!
1. Main Title (02:32)
2. Birth Traumas (02:36)
3. Evil Evolving (03:18)
4. Savage Trilogy (03:20)
5. Nightmares (02:58)
6. Beautiful And Bizarre (02:49)
7. Revulsion (04:10)
8. Basement Nursery (02:01)
9. Lamentation (03:07)
10. Living Fear (03:10)
11. Stalking The Infants (03:02)
12. Climax (02:37)
Is this one an LP or CD rip?
Fantastic... I can't wait to download this one. THANKS!
It's a CD rip. I just liked the LP cover better, so I used it.
If you haven't seen the films and are just downloading it because it's Herrmann (can't really blame you for that, he had the Midas touch when it came to scores), I highly reccommend all three films (all are available on two sepearte versions: the first has movie one alone and 2 and 3 on a double feature disc, the second version is a recently released "triple feature" that combines all three). Good films and commentary tracks that serve as a masters course in low-budget filmmaking.
EXCELLENT, Mitch! I love this score and you're saving me the trouble of recording from my old LP.
Great stuff. Thanks a lot.
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