"Remember the good old days when guns killed people?"

Roger Mortis (Treat Williams) and Doug Bigelow (Joe Piscopo) are a pair of cops who run into a strain of robbers who can't be killed with bullets. When a drug that acts as a preservant for corpses is found on them (along with the fact that the coroner had seen them before when she vivisected them), the trail leads to Dante Pharmaceuticals, where Doug discovers a strange machine - and an ugly biker zombie guarding it. The ensuing scuffle sends Roger into an espyhixiation room used to humanely kill dogs for testing purposes, and Roger is suffocated when a black-gloved man switches the room on. Doug and the coroner (Clare Kirkconnel), Roger's ex, discover that the machine can bring people back to life, so they throw Roger on it. When they discover that the re-animted corpses have a 12-hour lifetime before they completely decompose, Roger, Doug, and the daughter (Lindsay Frost) of a deceased billionaire (Vincent Price) who's tied up in it somehow must find out who Roger's killer is before he becomes worm food.
Troost composes a very nice score that bounces between pulse-pounding action to drama with the senses of death and resurrection. As a bonus, I included a DVD rip of the movie's theme song, "Dead Heat," which wasn't included on the LP. I know the music sounds less than CD quality, and if anyone can remaster it, you will get my thanks and credit on the ensuing re-post. Enjoy!
1. Main Titles (01:32)
2. Resurrection Room Fight (04:11)
3. The Robbery (01:00)
4. The Resurrection Room (01:48)
5. Dead Meat (01:37)
6. The Tomb (01:42)
7. Zombie Attack (02:07)
8. Roger's Ride To Freedom (01:03)
9. Roger's Resurrection (01:38)
10. Breaking The Code (00:43)
11. "I'm Not Bleeding" (01:00)
12. The Butcher Shop (02:05)
13. Finding Bigelow (01:09)
14. The Library (01:46)
15. Roger Storms Dante Labs (02:09)
16. The Jewelry Robbers (01:39)
17. Roger Emerges (01:15)
18. Resurrection Room Showdown (01:53)
19. The Shoot Out (01:57)
20. "We Need Your Help" (00:59)
21. End Titles (01:15)
22. Dead Heat (performed by Phil Settle) (03:13)
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=951GMP5A (John Hartigan has completely remastered the score. Special thanks to him for the nice job on the music and the cover scan!)
I have the LP and can scan the front and back artwork.
I'll post it up at my blog. http://soundtrackloversparadise.blogspot.com/
Give me a few hours to put it all together!
Thanks for this awesome rip since I don't have the ability to convert my vinyl Dead Heat.
Update. The images are now posted on my blog and I've reference your blog. Thanks again!!!
I've reduced the clicks and hiss on the tracks. http://www.filesend.net/download.php?f=574ff2daea9f950706cbde93b144f9df
psw: treat
I'll have to redo the Phil track when I get the chance. I forgot to change the settings from score to pop/rock song.
Also have Punisher '89 and Johnny Quest/Jetson on your wish list.
Robert Folk Lawnmower Man at
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