"He couldn't have walked very far." "Why's that?" "Because I cut off his legs... and his arms... and his head. And I'm going to do the same to you."

Here is the Mark Isham score for the 1986 cult horror film "The Hitcher." Despite negative reviews from the mainstream critics at the time (Roger Ebert gave the film no stars), it's gotten the reviews and reputation it so rightfully deserves. C. Thomas Howell is Jim Halsey, your average teenager who has a job with a car delivery service. During a run to deliver a car to a place I've forgotten at the moment, he picks up a hitchhiker to relieve the monotony of the road. Unfortunately, he picks up John Ryder (Rutger Hauer, in a show-stealing performance). Ryder soon turns out to be a psycho, so Jim manages to kick him out of the car. However, this isn't the last we'll see of the hitcher. He starts a game of cat-and-mouse with Jim, getting him framed for a series of murders that Ryder has committed. The only person who believes Jim is truck-stop waitress Nash (Jennifer Jason Leigh), and even she may not survive Ryder's wrath.
Mark Isham delivers a score that is as creepy and involving as the filmmitself, with the standout (to me) being his somber end credits track. Unfortunately, hack-for-hire Michael Bay's production company Platinum Dunes has gotten a holf of this film and is remaking it, turning it into just another gross-out-gory horror film like their Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake. They have some music video hack directinga and one of the guys who wrote the "When a Stranger Calls" remake contrbuting a screenplay. It'll suck to all hell. I urge everyone not to see it, and to instead enjoy the superior 1986 version. Enjoy the soundtrack, and there will be a special place for Michael Bay in Filmmaker Hell.
1. Headlights - Main Title (04:01)
2. The Chosen (02:24)
3. Keys (04:12)
4. Dust And Gasoline (03:00)
5. Dream (01:24)
6. Dogs (03:31)
7. Suicide (01:20)
8. Gun (01:44)
9. Cars And Helicopters (05:34)
10. Motel (02:46)
11. Transfer (01:44)
12. Endgame (02:48)
13. Guards And Cards (03:45)
14. The Hitcher - End Credits (04:11)
Mark Isham delivers a score that is as creepy and involving as the filmmitself, with the standout (to me) being his somber end credits track. Unfortunately, hack-for-hire Michael Bay's production company Platinum Dunes has gotten a holf of this film and is remaking it, turning it into just another gross-out-gory horror film like their Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake. They have some music video hack directinga and one of the guys who wrote the "When a Stranger Calls" remake contrbuting a screenplay. It'll suck to all hell. I urge everyone not to see it, and to instead enjoy the superior 1986 version. Enjoy the soundtrack, and there will be a special place for Michael Bay in Filmmaker Hell.
1. Headlights - Main Title (04:01)
2. The Chosen (02:24)
3. Keys (04:12)
4. Dust And Gasoline (03:00)
5. Dream (01:24)
6. Dogs (03:31)
7. Suicide (01:20)
8. Gun (01:44)
9. Cars And Helicopters (05:34)
10. Motel (02:46)
11. Transfer (01:44)
12. Endgame (02:48)
13. Guards And Cards (03:45)
14. The Hitcher - End Credits (04:11)
Wow fantastic post. This is one of my all time favorite flicks.
OK guys...no offense but the original was a vulgar exorcise in pure sadism or masochism if your in the audience.
Yes it had "technique" and so many years later even more "style" but the plot is pure cruelty and...... absolutely NOTHING ELSE.
I'd be interested to hear what else someone thinks was going on to make the film so grand... I suppose a certain catharsis can come from the horror of PURE cruelty... but I can't stand this film. Perhaps because I can't handle it but that's my two cents.
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